Open-Source ContributorProfessional
Earners of this certification have extensive knowledge of the Go programming and DevOps tools. They demonstrated the ability to contribute high-quality code or documentation to open-source projects regularly, design and develop Golang programs following best practices, and have a good understanding of open-source DevOps tools. Badge owners can design and develop Golang apps, work with most of the open-source, state-of-the-art CNCF DevOps tools, and write good English documentation.Earners of this certification have extensive knowledge of the Go programming and DevOps tools. They demonstrated the ability to contribute high-quality code or documentation to open-source projects regularly, design and develop Golang programs following best practices, and have a good understanding of open-source DevOps tools. Badge owners can design and develop Golang apps, work with most of the open-source, state-of-the-art CNCF DevOps tools, and write good English documentation.
DevOpsGo (Programming Language)Open-Source SoftwareSoftware DevelopmentSoftware EngineeringTechnical Content Writing
Wu XuOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/03/15
Yingchu ChenOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/03/15
SummingYuOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/03/15
Kaitian XieOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/03/29
Junyu LiuOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/05/22
Hepeng LiOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/05/22
Xuecheng HouOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/05/22
Tao HuOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/07/13
Tiexin GuoOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/07/21
Xianjie ShenOpen-Source Contributor - Professional2022/08/07